Personal Development in Specialist Pathway
24th/25th April 2013
I have created the sword and axe and a shield. I spent some time on the sword adding bits to the hilt to make it look unique, the axe is just something I modelled from a picture and I made the shield in about a minute.
The last thing to do is unwrap the weapons and shield and then texture them in Mudbox, with the sword and axe I will be adding more detail to them and the paint on top of them. Texturing them should not take to long, I have about 3 and a half weeks left to finish the Knight and get it rendered. Once the weapons are taken care of the chainmail will be taken care of. I will use an image of chainmail and make a normal map then apply it to the Knight in Maya.
I have completed the gloves, the texture does look a bit flat and some people are confusing the gloves with hands which is quite embrassing, I will be redoing the texture. I have made a test rig for the Knight, I have not made a full rig before so making a test rig was the best way forward.
The rig was simple enough to make and I will be using this rig to skin the Knight, I still have to name all the joints so I don't get confused when painting on the influence of each joint to the mesh.
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