Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Thursday 20th September 2012
Understanding The Media 2
This lesson I concentrated on gathering research for my presentation, I have changed my target market to Hardcore Gamers. The reason for me doing this is because I have already done research on this market, I also think this market is interesting, seeing trends and statistics on demographics and sales.

I have gathered a lot of information from the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) (The Entertainment Software Association - Home Page. 2012. The Entertainment Software Association - Home Page. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.theesa.com/. [Accessed 25 September 2012].) . I have found this particular website very useful because it provides a lot of data on different areas on the games industry especially focusing on game player data, sales and genre data and economic data.

There is also a PDF that i have downloaded that provides sales, demographic and usage data dated 2012, it has a lot of essential facts about the computer and video game industry.
. 2012. . [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.theesa.com/facts/pdfs/ESA_EF_2012.pdf. [Accessed 25 September 2012].

For my presentation I still need to include other sources to reinforce the data I have collected, I am aware one source is not adequate. I have done more work on my presentation, my presentation didn't include any research into market research so I have now included demographics on gamers including graphs on gender of gamers, genre of games and sale statistics on games. I have also started to include referencing in my presentation.

I still need to include examples of games industry work aimed at the Hardcore Gamer market and try and relate to my own project, I think that I have justified enough to why I want to create a 3D environment in my presentation.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Wednesday 19th September 2012 
Understanding The Media

The class presented their presentations on their specific target markets and pitched their ideas. My presentation was unsuccessful, I had totally missed the point of what I should have been presenting. I was still undecided on my target market. I only pitched my idea and only justified why I was going for the idea. I can't go forward with my idea without focusing on a target market.  

Todd went first, he went straight ahead with his target market, the target market being hardcore gamers. He will be creating a poster for a game, he will be creating 3D characters and then render it for the poster, the characters will be human and non-human characters. The genre he is going for is sci-fi and he will be using Autodesk Maya and Photoshop.

He looked into other sci-fi games for examples like Halo he also looked into excising games posters like Red Dead Redemption. His final aim is to composite his characters into a poster advertising a game.  

Jasmine's target market is children gaming/casual gaming. The platform for the game she will be creating is on Iphone, the game will be education, she said that these kind of games are quite popular and Neil said people have made a lot of money out of these kind of games.  The game will be aimed at 3 +, it will teach the basics to children like basic colours and shapes, trying to make the learning experience fun.  

She will be using a variety of programs to create the game, using Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop and maybe Adobe Illustrator.

Jamie has chosen 18-24 year old males as his target market, his idea is a first person shooter based on the Arab Spring. He has looked into games that are along the same lines of his his idea, games like Freedom Fighters and Call of Duty both being first person shooters.

 He also explained some of idea in detail, his UI will be based off social media sites which would sit well with his general idea linking it to the Arab Spring. A lot of communication during the Arab Spring was done across social media sites like Facebook. He has research into timelines of the Arab Spring on the internet, on the BBC news page.

Calum put forward his idea last, he will be creating a short cartoon aimed at the Family Audience. He has taken inspiration off Pixar and their animations. He said one possible character could be a mouse cursor with eyes, he wants to create funny entertainment with hidden themes that parents would understand, which would make it more entertaining target market he is going for.

He researched into different examples, he looked at a variety of cartoons and animations. Adventure Time, Simpsons and Futurama were a few he researched into all containing the entertainment that Calum is looking to create.

He will be creating the short in 3D using Autodesk Maya, he aims to render the animation with realistic lighting trying to create photo-realism.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tuesday 18th September 2012
Creative Influences 

This lesson was just a general overview of the module. The main points covered for the lesson -

Assessments 1+2 - Assessment 1 being a negotiated and agreed proposal (1,000 words) and evidence to support a industry project that will enhance my progression plans. Research will have to include-

Research into progressions opportunities
Costing and Funding
Timescales and deadlines
Intending outcomes

Assessment 1 is worth 50% of the total mark.

Assessment 2 being a 2000 word essay on a movement, designer or artist that has had a significant impact on my specialism.

Assessment 2 is also worth 50% of the total mark.

Neil covered a lot of points at the start of the lesson on progression, what possible routes I could take after I finished the current course I'm are on. There are a lot of ways I could go for after I complete New Media.

Higher level education was suggested and a route that I am considering. Other people suggested internships, employment, Starting your own business and business courses, freelancing etc.

The class was given a task to complete after Neil had finished explaining progression. I was given a sheet to evaluate my practice. The sheet had some questions asking about what progression route I would be taking, what is the most significant thing i have learnt so far etc.

We then went onto discussing what an Eclectic Practitioner is, someone who is practicing as a certain profession but also taps into other professions. For example a 3D artist who teaches as well doing 3D. We listed a lot of different subjects a practitioner could be doing.  

Even though this lesson was just an overview Neil gave a good overview of what he expected from us in the module. I also think that this module will be extremely useful in helping me plan for my next progression route.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Thursday 13th September 2012
Understanding the Media 2

This lesson I have to start thinking about a target market for a project. I also have to create a design brief for the project explaining what I am creating. I was shown a presentation on a few different target markets. The suggested subjects were -

Established Markets
Child cinema/games
Casual Games
Developing Markets
Family/Group Games
Emerging Markets
Developing World  

The established markets I think would be the easiest one to do, it involves Hardcore Gaming. This subject area would be one i'm most comfortable working with because I do a lot of gaming myself in games considered for hardcore gaming. I'm aware how elitist and competitive it is especially on the consoles (Xbox/Ps3).

One of the biggest issues in this area is the limited demographic, most of the games are aimed at males aged between 12-24 year olds. The games can be extremely violent e.g. (Gears of War, Dead Island). There are arguments for and against that violent games are a bad influence on the people playing them, especially the younger audience.

Arguments against violent video games making children more aggressive state that there is no connection between violent video games and violent behavior. And there are many studies to suggest the same idea.     

 "Psychological studies purporting to show a connection between exposure to violent video games and harmful effects on children do not prove that such exposure causes minors to act aggressively."
— Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, majority opinion in Brown v. EMA/ESA

(The Entertainment Software Association - Games & Violence. 2012. The Entertainment Software Association - Games & Violence. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.theesa.com/facts/violence.asp. [Accessed 25 September 2012].)

But there are plenty of arguments to support the idea that violent games make minors behave more aggressively. Some politicians have called for a ban on violent video games as well.

MPs call for violent video game ban after Breivik claims that he "trained" on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Telegraph. 2012. MPs call for violent video game ban after Breivik claims that he "trained" on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Telegraph. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/9272774/MPs-call-for-violent-video-game-ban-after-Breivik-claims-that-he-trained-on-Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare.html. [Accessed 25 September 2012].

Violent video game Call of Duty once more linked to high-profile mass murder | Mail Online. 2012. Violent video game Call of Duty once more linked to high-profile mass murder | Mail Online. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2153218/Violent-video-game-Call-Duty-linked-high-profile-mass-murder.html. [Accessed 25 September 2012].

Games in this area are usually franchise driven because the developers and publishers know the games will sell (e.g. Call of Duty 1 - 9 on the main series of the franchise and there are other games made on PSP and DS)    

For the project I want to create an environment in Autodesk Maya and I want to attempt to do something I haven't done before. I have done a lot of architectural projects in the past using Autodesk Maya so I want to avoid doing another one. One of my ideas is to do a organic environment, I haven't done anything organic in 3D before so i think this will be a great opportunity to do it. I have considered some ideas down for different types of environments, cityscapes, jungles etc.


I will need to look at using other software as well if I'm to do an organic environment. It will be challenging just using Maya, I will look into using software like Autodesk Mudbox. I haven't used Mudbox before so this will be a good project to learn how to use Mudbox.
Wednesday 12th September 2012  
Understanding the media 2  

Today I was given three tasks all set in Adobe Photoshop, since my skills in Photoshop needed improvement, i found this lesson much needed.

I was given three images and i was to manipulate and modify each one in different ways. The first image was of the Dubai cityscape. The task for this image was to add more buildings to the image using what is already available in the cityscape. I made a duplicate of the original image so if i had made any mistakes i would still have the original. I have used Photoshop many times in the past so i already had a method in mind on how i was going to add more buildings. Using the marque tool I selected a section on the one building then duplicated it.

The second image was of the Taj Mahal, and for this task i had to remove all the people out of the image using the techniques that i was already familiar with. I used the clone tool to copy different places in the environment and cloned it over the people in the image.

The third task involved a recent event of a 19th century painting, the Spanish fresco painting. A amateur spanish painter attempted to restore the painting but completely ruined it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19349921  
I had to try and restore the painting in Photoshop using the clone tool.    

Using the clone tool, all i did was clone the existing colours to fill the white spaces. I did have to refer back to the original image before the painting was damaged to get a better idea of what colours were used on his face and hair. Looking at the ordinal image did reveal that their is a crown of thorns sitting on top of the head which you can't make out clearly on these images.

I found these tasks quite interesting because i've never done this type of exercise in Photoshop before especially trying to repair a painting in Photoshop. The lesson was a great refresher for using Photoshop and i do feel more confident using Photoshop.